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rocket scientists develop hydrogen supercar
Concept cars provide great eye candy to grace covers of car enthusiast magazines or in our case, to entertain visitors to the Autoeditor landing page. Some concepts are more speculative than others since these days a clever designer can create a nearly working prototype without writing a big check to a custom metal-crafting shop. Instead, today's computer aided design (CAD) and 3D printing make cool concepts appear quite realistic. We're not sure how this concept was created, but since the new Hyperon XP-1 makes amazing claims, from 0to-60 in under 2.2-seconds, 221 MPH+ top speed and a 1,016-mile range, all on a handy fillip of hydrogen fuel, count us as skeptics about production feasibility. Especially when the small Irvine company hasn't provided important details, like where does the energy production and storage come from. Meantime, it's sure fun to look at.

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